Each property investment is separately ring-fenced from the assets and liabilities of London House Exchange, as well as any other property investments on the platform.
If London House Exchange were to fall into financial distress, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has been pre-engaged to manage the sale of the property portfolio and return of capital to our clients. Under the pre-agreed terms of the engagement, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP’s primary objective is to maximise the return to clients from the property portfolio. You can read further details of this arrangement here: Investment Safeguards.
Any funds that are held in your account, but not yet invested in property, are held in a client monies bank account in accordance with FCA rules. This is a separate bank account that is ring-fenced from the monies of London House Exchange and will be returned to investors in the event of London House Exchange falling into financial distress.
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